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Simple three step process. Start monitoring in seconds.

Step 1
Choose weekly or daily text alerts to start the sign-up process.

Step 2
Enter your "Where's My Refund?" information once and click submit. Let us do the work for you.

Step 3
Stay up-to-date with text alerts informing you about your refund status without lifting a finger.
Never worry again about checking your refund status.
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"Where's My Refund?"
Weekly Refund Status Monitoring
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when your refund status doesn't change
& you may need refund release assistancePeace of Mind
know when your refund is scheduled to arrive or if there is a problem know so you can begin work to get your refund released

"Where's My Refund?"
Only $9.99
Daily Refund Status Monitoring
Daily Text Alerts
when your refund status changesWeekly Text Updates
when your refund status doesn't change
& you may need refund release assistancePeace of Mind
know faster when your refund is scheduled to arrive or if there is a problem know faster so you can begin work to get your refund released

What Is A Delayed Tax Refund?
Getting a tax refund is a great feeling but it can be quite confusing when it doesn’t show up at an expected arrival time. Whether you filed online or with a tax professional there are a number of reasons for your refund to be delayed.
User error like incorrect filing status, entering the wrong information, forgetting supporting documents, incorrect bank information, and etc. are all reasons for a delayed tax refund.
Even the IRS makes mistakes that can delay your refund. Start monitoring your refund status now with “Where’s My Refund?.net” and know when there is an issue with your tax refund. Don’t sit around waiting on a delayed refund, start monitoring now.

What Is A Frozen Tax Refund?
The IRS can freeze your tax refund for various reasons. Most of the time it's not an actual IRS person that freezes your tax refund. It's actually the IRS computer system that froze your tax refund and your tax refund can sit frozen until you take action. As each year passes, the IRS computer system becomes more complex and as a result more tax refunds are frozen. Don’t allow your tax refund to sit frozen at the IRS. Start monitoring your refund status with “Where’s My Refund?.net” so you can take action as soon as there is an issue.
Refund Status Types
Having trouble understanding what a refund status means? Get help. Find answers.
What does it mean when my refund status is still processing?
What does it mean when my refund status is still processing?
The most likely reason for a “Still Processing” status is that there is a problem with your tax return. Typically, the IRS has frozen your refund and it has been sent over to the IRS Error Resolution Department. Unless action is taken, your tax return could sit in this refund status for months before you receive any type of notification from the IRS. Start monitoring today to see if this is the case and get notified.
What is happening when the bar is missing, gone, or disappeared?
What is happening when the bar is missing, gone, or disappeared?
You were all set to receive your tax refund once your tax refund status said “Refund Approved”! It’s been over 21 days and you’re still waiting for your refund. So, you decided to check “Where’s My Refund?” again. Now, your refund status bar has disappeared or gone missing in action. You’re back to “still processing”! Now, what?
The most likely reason for your refund status bar to revert back to a “still processing” status is a potential problem with your tax return. Typically, the IRS has frozen your refund and it has been sent over to the IRS Error Resolution Department. Until action is taken, your tax return could remain in this frozen refund status for months before you receive any type of notification from the IRS.
What does it mean when my refund status says take action?
What does it mean when my refund status says take action?
Most of the time when people see this “Take Action” refund status the first question they have is: “Am I being audited?”. Typically, the answer to this question is YES! And the IRS wants more information. When you encounter a “Take Action” refund status you need the help of a tax professional to guide you through the process.
What does it mean when my refund status says sent?
What does it mean when my refund status says sent?
Congratulations! You navigated the IRS successfully this year. However, sometimes the IRS can give a “Refund Sent” refund status and your tax refund never shows up. In this case, the IRS believes that you have received your tax refund and that there is nothing else to be done for this tax year.
What does it mean when my refund status says fms or past due obligation?
What does it mean when my refund status says fms or past due obligation?
If you check “Where’s My Refund?” and your tax refund status says “refund applied to pay past due obligation such as child support, another federal agency debt, or state income tax”. Most commonly this is a result of the taxpayer or spouse having past due child support obligations or student loan debt in default. You should receive a notice outlining the details.
Just because you owe a debt or have past due debts does not mean that you’re not entitled to a refund:
• In situations where a couple is married and one spouse owes a debt and the other spouse does not, this is referred to as an “Injured Spouse”.
• In a situation where a student loan is delinquent, this is referred to as being in “default”.
What does it mean when my refund status says it is reduced to pay a past due obligation?
What does it mean when my refund status says it is reduced to pay a past due obligation?
When you check “Where’s My Refund?” and your tax refund status says “Refund Reduced to Pay a Past Due Obligation”, don’t just assume that everything is right. The IRS makes mistakes every day and their systems must communicate and apply everything accurately for your IRS account to be correct.